World Hunger Day: A call to action to combat the global food crisis

World Hunger Day is celebrated on May 28, a date that seeks to raise awareness about the serious food situation faced by millions of people around the world, especially in areas and regions with extreme poverty.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
26 May 2023 Friday 04:59
20 Reads
World Hunger Day: A call to action to combat the global food crisis

World Hunger Day is celebrated on May 28, a date that seeks to raise awareness about the serious food situation faced by millions of people around the world, especially in areas and regions with extreme poverty. This conference not only seeks to highlight the lack of access to food, but also to highlight the importance of aspects such as education, health care and security.

World Hunger Day was established in 2011 at the initiative of The Hunger Project, with the aim of making the world food crisis visible and proposing sustainable solutions to eradicate hunger in the world and declaring "a planet free from hunger". ". This day should not be confused with World Food Day, which is commemorated on October 16 at the initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The Hunger Project comprehensively addresses the problems related to hunger in the world, establishing effective alliances with local governments. Globally, the current food system fails to meet the needs of more than 2.4 billion people, representing approximately one third of the world's population. This reality affects not only people in the present, but will also have an impact on future generations, unless effective solutions are generated to address it.

Hunger leads to malnutrition and delayed growth in children, which affects their physical, emotional and social development. Therefore, it is crucial that the governments of the world act together and in a timely manner to bring people closer to the tools and resources necessary to access food, health, social justice, education and decent housing. This will significantly contribute to the eradication of hunger and poverty in the world.

The global data and figures on hunger in the world are truly alarming. More than 2.4 billion people do not have access to adequate nutrition.

It is estimated that 60% of people who suffer from hunger are women and girls.

Around 736 million people, almost 1 in 10 inhabitants of the planet, live on less than 1.90 dollars a day.

More than half of the people in extreme poverty (approximately 413 million) live in sub-Saharan Africa.

Although the administrations have a main role in this fight, all of us can also contribute to it. In this sense, it is important to highlight the social activism of young people in the face of this global problem, who are joining efforts to generate innovative solutions and face the challenge of eradicating chronic hunger throughout the world.

Do you also have any proposal that contributes to ending hunger? You can present it to the Blanquerna Impulsa Awards promoted by Blanquerna-URL with the aim of promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this edition of the awards, SDG 2: Zero Hunger has been chosen as one of the objectives to work on.

So if you have a project to raise awareness about hunger in the world, or you can think of a campaign to collect food or use it, submit it to the contest and you can also win many prizes. Some project ideas could be organizing an original food drive in our school or community or creating an interesting information campaign on World Hunger Day. What else can you think of? Share it with others and participate in the Blanquerna Impulsa Awards.