Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito. According to the WHO, the leishmaniasis pathogen is a parasitic protozoan of the genus Leishmania. Our pets can suffer from it: therefore it is necessary to know how to care for a dog sick with Leishmaniasis.

Leishmaniasis in dogs is a fairly common disease. It usually affects dogs that live in the Mediterranean basin. Detecting the symptoms in time is essential so that later the dog can have a healthy and happy life.

Early detection of the disease is essential in the fight against Leishmaniasis. Therefore, if you detect some of these symptoms in your dog, it is convenient that you take him to the vet and thus rule out, or confirm, that it is Leishmaniasis. And it should also be noted that some dogs may have Leishmaniasis antibodies but not develop the disease.

We can talk about two types of Leishmaniasis that dogs can suffer from: cutaneous and visceral, the latter being the most worrisome.

As we have said before, an early diagnosis of the disease is vital for your dog to continue to enjoy good health. Therefore, at the slightest symptom that you detect that something is not right with your pet, you should take it to your trusted veterinarian. In the medical center they will carry out the pertinent analyzes to rule out the disease or treat it in case of suffering from it. Treatment will vary depending on the condition of the dog.

There are different products that will keep your dog safe from Leishmaniasis, among which are antiparasitic pipettes, vaccines, syrups that increase their immunity… It is highly recommended that our dog, if we have a garden at home, does not sleep outdoors during the hot months. Better at home.

In general, food enriched with Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids are suitable for this type of pathology. In addition, it is convenient to give a type of feed that is suitable for the kidney, since visceral Leishmaniasis especially attacks this organ. However, you should follow your veterinarian’s advice to the letter, he will know the proper procedure for your dog to come out of the disease well.