On April 5, My desires win, a documentary about the story of Elena Huelva, an Ewing sarcoma patient who died last year due to the evolution of the disease, was released in theaters. The young woman died at the age of 20 after having given great visibility to the disease on social networks.

The project has different testimonies and interventions from people close to the circle of the late content creator, but it is the speech of her sister Emi Huelva that gives cohesion to the project directed by José Luis Hernández Arango.

At the official presentation of the event, in addition to the young woman’s closest family and friends, there were some public faces who knew Elena in life and who followed her struggle with attention and admiration.

This is the case of Manuel Carrasco. The artist from Huelva became a close friend of the family when the girl was still alive, a bond that he maintains to this day. Her closeness to the protagonist helped the young woman to take her cause further, to gain visibility and to have other artists pay attention to her daily struggle.

It should be noted that Carrasco, like other artists such as Aitana Ocaña, Toñi Moreno or Eva González, has participated in the documentary. In his case, as Emi has confessed in the magazine Diez Minutos, he has been fully involved: ”Manuel Carrasco has been involved in a very beautiful way by composing the song Libélula. “He and Almudena Navalón have been very important.”

“This documentary means an extension of the beautiful legacy she left. Being able to continue with what she started, giving importance to research and valuing life as the great gift that it is, making the most of it no matter how many adversities there are,” said Emi Huelva. in the presentation.

“This project, so beautiful and hard at the same time, brings us to Elena a little closer, makes us laugh, cry and get excited… and at the end of that is what life is about,” she added, visibly moved, but happy to continue with the purpose. from Elena.

In the post he uploaded to his Instagram account after the gala, he thanked everyone who had made this work possible and explained how he felt: ”Thank you to each of the people who were there that special night that I will never forget. For supporting my sister’s message and holding my hand on such an important day. I am very excited about how this documentary is reaching you, which is made with all the love and enthusiasm to continue Elena’s legacy with the aim of growing the Elena Huelva Scholarship to investigate Ewing sarcoma (…)”.