A single deputy had never given so much play. All for Terrassa, the formation of the mayor of Terrassa, Jordi Ballart, who governs his municipality with ERC and Junts, could be key to the formation of the new government of the Diputació de Barcelona. For this reason, the two main parties fighting to control the body, the PSC and Junts, are competing for the vote of its only representative, Maria Mercè Balcells. For days the PSC had been negotiating an agreement with the mayor around a document on investments for the municipality, but Junts has also polled Ballart and has even offered him the presidency of the Provincial Council.

The general secretary of JxCat himself, Jordi Turull, met with the mayor of Terrassa on Monday to try to seduce him and corner the PSC, which has a good chance of ending up controlling the entity with the support of En Comú Podem , with whom he has already closed an agreement, as well as with at least two independent deputies attached to Junts.

The post-convergent formation aims to bring together a majority with Tot per Terrassa, ERC and the PP, with whom they have also started talks, but the arithmetic has many obstacles and the reluctance of ERC. The republicans do not even want to hear about an agreement with the PP and question the fact that Junts has control over the deputies of their parliamentary group, with reference to the mayor of Igualada and leader of Junts for Igualada, Marc Castells, and the de Torrelles de Foix and leader of Impulsem Penedès, Sergi Vellès, who would have reached an agreement with the PSC. This makes the Republicans distrustful, who demand to know exactly what support Junts has in their parliamentary group.

For their part, the popular people do not want to repeat the formula that allowed Jaume Collboni to get the mayorship of Barcelona, ​​which is why they have also contacted the PSC, without so far having obtained any results.

The hook of the post-convergents to seduce Ballart, the presidency of the Provincial Council, would lead to his deputy in the US resigning from the post once the mayor took over. But Ballart also does not seem to be seduced by the position and, as he points out in a recent interview with La Vanguardia, he prioritizes “accelerating the new Theater Institute, improving roads, works and sports facilities” in his municipality.

The socialists are in the case of all these “desperate” movements of Junts, and for this reason they are now suspicious of an understanding with Ballart. They consider that the mayor is playing two sides and, therefore, “does not convey much confidence”, they conclude.

The low feasibility of the maneuver places the negotiations around the government of the Provincial Council in a frantic scenario, despite everything, for now there is only one certainty, that the PSC has a pact with the commons that leaves them with 22 deputies out of 51 of the plenary against the 23 of ERC and Junts, who still do not have an agreement between them. If the socialists manage to retain the Junts “disobedient” deputies, they will win the presidency, for which they have elected the mayoress of Sant Boi, Lluïsa Moret. Since this route was discovered, Castells and Vallès have maintained a deafening silence, which the PSC believes is a “good sign”.