What you can and cannot do with the Youth Cultural Bonus

More than nine months after its creation was announced, next Monday the Youth Cultural Bonus will be launched for those who this year come of age.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
21 July 2022 Thursday 21:00
10 Reads
What you can and cannot do with the Youth Cultural Bonus

More than nine months after its creation was announced, next Monday the Youth Cultural Bonus will be launched for those who this year come of age. Some 500,000 young people born in 2004 will be able to benefit from this measure.

It consists of a wallet card with 400 euros to spend only on cultural products. "This is a subsidy that must be transparent and audited, it is a significant amount of public money (210 million euros) and its proper use must be ensured," said the Minister of Culture Miquel Iceta.

To register, young people have to obtain the Cl@ve digital certificate. It will be sent in virtual or physical format and a mobile application will also be enabled for young people to manage their purchases.

It will subsidize live arts, cultural heritage and audiovisual arts: tickets and subscriptions for performing arts, live music, cinema, museums, libraries, exhibitions and scenic, literary, musical or audiovisual festivals, up to a maximum of 200 euros per beneficiary.

It will also subsidize cultural products in physical format: books, magazines, newspapers or other periodical publications; video games, musical scores, discs, CDs, DVDs, or those known as Blu-ray, up to a maximum of 100 euros per beneficiary.

Purchases of cultural products in physical format will have to be collected in person, it will not be possible to send them to homes or delivery points.

Yes. Each beneficiary person may allocate up to 100 euros to digital or online consumption: subscriptions and rentals to musical, reading or audio-reading, or audiovisual platforms, purchase of audiobooks, purchase of digital books (known as e-books), subscription to downloading of multimedia files (known as podcasts), subscriptions to online video games, digital subscriptions to newspapers, magazines or other periodical publications.

Subscriptions to online platforms charged to the voucher will be limited to a maximum of four months, without prejudice to the commercial offers that the platforms may make to the beneficiaries to extend this duration.

The acquisition of stationery products such as curricular textbooks, whether printed or digital; computer and electronic equipment, software, hardware and consumables; artistic material, musical instruments, sporting and bullfighting events, fashion and gastronomy will not be eligible.

The acquisition of products that have been classified as X or pornographic will not be covered either.