Vote and you will be judged and prosecuted

There are people who have activism in their blood and Susan B.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
05 November 2022 Saturday 03:30
11 Reads
Vote and you will be judged and prosecuted

There are people who have activism in their blood and Susan B. Anthony was one of them. She was the daughter of Quakers with low incomes but high social commitment, she was seventeen years old and she already went out to the streets to ask for signatures against slavery. She soon directed her efforts to collaborate with the suffrage movement and began a work that she did not abandon until her death, at the age of 86.

Her fight for female equality would lead her to undertake controversial actions, the most daring of which was to vote, on November 5, 1872, in the presidential elections, after convincing an electoral inspector. She was arrested, tried and fined (she never paid the fine). 148 years later, another president, Donald Trump, would pardon the pioneer of women's suffrage in the US and grant her a posthumous pardon