The King warns about the risks of eroding institutions

The division, the deterioration of coexistence and the erosion of institutions.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
24 December 2022 Saturday 14:31
26 Reads
The King warns about the risks of eroding institutions

The division, the deterioration of coexistence and the erosion of institutions. There are three risks to which democracy is exposed to which the King has warned in his traditional Christmas message.

After a few weeks of intense political anger, in which the political parties and the powers of the State have faced each other in the eyes of public opinion, the King, without going into details, dedicated a good part of his words to recalling that a society in conflict does not advance. “Division,” he said, “makes democracies more fragile; the union, quite the opposite, strengthens them”. Democratic institutions, on which the rule of law is based, must be, in the words of the King, "solid" in order to "protect citizens, address their concerns and guarantee their rights". Its representatives, and at this point the King included himself and the institution he embodies, should be required to "exercise their functions with loyal collaboration, with respect for the Constitution and the laws, and be an example of integrity and rectitude." ”.

In a clear reference to the tense political situation, the King called for an exercise of responsibility and reflection "on the consequences that ignoring these risks can have for our union, our coexistence and our institutions."

Regarding the Constitution, in addition to recognizing its value as a reference, "where we Spaniards must continue to find the union that ensures stability, cohesion and progress", in his words, the King seemed to open a door to future modifications by stating that "they have Almost 45 years have passed since the approval of the Constitution and of course many things have changed, and will continue to change”. However, the defense of the values ​​that inspired the Constitution continues to be a constant in the King's messages, stating that "the spirit that saw it born, its principles and its foundations, which are the work of all, cannot be weakened nor should they fall into oblivion."

Focusing on the risk of deterioration of coexistence, the King recalled that the Magna Carta recognizes the "fullness of our freedoms, together with respect and consideration for people, their convictions, and their dignity" and the importance of "putting the The will to integrate versus the desire to exclude. “It is the place”, he concluded, “where we Spaniards recognize each other and where we accept each other, despite our differences”.

The reflections referring to the political situation centered but did not occupy the entire message, in which there was an explicit reference to the situation of economic instability caused by the effects of the war in Ukraine, the consequences of the pandemic, with an energy crisis with serious consequences in industry, commerce, transport and family economies. The King affirmed that the rise in prices, especially food, "causes insecurity in homes" and recalled that there are relatives who cannot face this situation for a long time and need "the continuous support of the public powers to alleviate its effects economic and social”.

The King also highlighted the role of Spain within the European Union (whose presidency he will hold in the second half of 2023) and the NATO summit that was held in Madrid and served "to reinforce the unity of all the members of the Alliance and also of the EU”. And he highlighted the unanimous position of NATO in its defense of territorial integrity and the independence of states as inalienable principles in the international order.

Before wishing "Merry Christmas, Eguberri On, Bon Nadal" and "Boas Festas" in his name, in that of the Queen and in that of his two daughters, the King sent one last message of confidence, in his speech, affirming : “We are one of the great nations of the world, with many centuries of history, and we Spaniards have to continue deciding our destiny, our future together. Taking care of our democracy; protecting coexistence; strengthening our institutions”.