The Government approves tomorrow the decree on Catalan in schools

The Government of the Generalitat will approve tomorrow, in an extraordinary meeting of the Consell Executiu, the decree on Catalan to respond to the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) that requires 25% of classes to be taught in Spanish.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
29 May 2022 Sunday 12:24
7 Reads
The Government approves tomorrow the decree on Catalan in schools

The Government of the Generalitat will approve tomorrow, in an extraordinary meeting of the Consell Executiu, the decree on Catalan to respond to the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) that requires 25% of classes to be taught in Spanish. With the decree, legal coverage will be given to the management of educational centers and it will be clear that in the Catalan school there is no room for percentages imposed on languages ​​when preparing linguistic projects.

This measure, which had been planned for a few days, is complementary to the law agreed upon by the PSC, Esquerra Republicana, Junts per Catalunya and En Comú Podem last week. The new norm will be approved in Parliament throughout this week once the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries has issued its mandatory but non-binding report – at the request of Vox, Ciudadanos and PP – on the constitutionality of the bill.

In an interlocutory, the Catalan high court forced to apply the sentence of 25% tomorrow at the latest. With the decree law and the new law, the Executive of Pere Aragonès intends to respond to this situation. In the appeal that the Generalitat has raised before the TSJC, it is alleged that a new regulation is being prepared and that a change in the linguistic projects at this point in the school year would cause "serious damage" and a great "economic impact".

The directors of the Catalan educational centers, in turn, are waiting to receive instructions from the Ministry of Education, led by the Republican Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray, in the next few hours. The decree that is approved tomorrow at noon will derive the instructions that the centers will receive to comply with the sentence, as explained this weekend by the Secretary of Language Policy of the Generalitat, Francesc Xavier Vila.

Thus, according to Vila, the decree will not set percentages and "will explain how the linguistic project is carried out" in a framework "in which Catalan is the center of gravity of the educational system", its "backbone".