The arguments that each party brought to the tense debate of the Constitutional

PP, Vox, PSOE and UP have crossed these days various appeals before the Constitutional Court as a result of the urgent parliamentary processing of the two amendments by which it was intended to modify the system of election and arrival of the two candidates to the TC appointed by the Council General of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
20 December 2022 Tuesday 01:31
36 Reads
The arguments that each party brought to the tense debate of the Constitutional

PP, Vox, PSOE and UP have crossed these days various appeals before the Constitutional Court as a result of the urgent parliamentary processing of the two amendments by which it was intended to modify the system of election and arrival of the two candidates to the TC appointed by the Council General of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

Finally, a divided Constitutional Assembly –6 votes to 5– ended up admitting on Monday night the very precautionary measures requested by the Popular Party three days after their approval in the Senate.

It is the first time, in its more than 40-year history, that the Constitutional Court orders the urgent suspension of a parliamentary debate in the Cortes Generales, so it is an unprecedented decision.

These are, briefly, the arguments defended by the parties:

It was the first and it appeared on Wednesday the 15th, alleging that the urgent processing of the reform of the Constitutional Court law violated, by form and substance, the rights of opposition deputies. He requested the suspension of the processing. Congress approved the reform on Thursday – this week it was due to be debated in the Senate – and the TC postponed its decision on this appeal until this week. Yesterday he accepted it for processing.

He raised similar arguments to those of the PP, but did not ask for an immediate stoppage.

He asked the Constitutional Court not to respond to the stoppage request and raised the recusal of the president and a conservative member of the court because both will be affected if the reform is approved. The appeal was filed on Friday. The recusal was rejected yesterday afternoon.

The socialist parliamentary groups in Congress and the Senate, as well as the president of the Justice commission in Congress have asked to appear in this case. They have also requested the recusal of the two members that UP was already requesting and that neither the appeal of the PP nor the suspension of the processing requested by the popular be taken into consideration.