Illa does not believe that Aragonès can exhaust the legislature

After attending Joan Manuel Serrat's farewell concert on Friday night, Salvador Illa was interviewed on the radio on Saturday morning, where he assured that, whatever the undulating budget negotiations between the PSC and ERC, the Government of Pere Aragonès will not be able to exhaust the legislature.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
25 December 2022 Sunday 01:31
53 Reads
Illa does not believe that Aragonès can exhaust the legislature

After attending Joan Manuel Serrat's farewell concert on Friday night, Salvador Illa was interviewed on the radio on Saturday morning, where he assured that, whatever the undulating budget negotiations between the PSC and ERC, the Government of Pere Aragonès will not be able to exhaust the legislature.

"If things do not change and taking into account the complexity on an international scale, it is difficult for me to think that it can have a long journey," Illa said in statements to L'Hemicicle. For the socialist leader, in addition, the president and his party should "become aware" of his parliamentary situation, with a meager minority of 33 deputies, far from the majority that invested him only "19 months" ago.

Thus, the main workhorse continues to be the approval of the Generalitat's accounts for 2023, for which Illa once again showed her willingness in everything that "depends on the PSC", although not "because she deserves it" Aragonès , he said, but because the Catalans "do not have to pay the piper of a disoriented Government" just at a time when it is not appropriate to "delay investments or make people dizzy."

However, the head of the opposition claimed a leading role by assuring that the PSC "is not here to hold anyone's umbrella" and, after ruling out a motion of censure because it is not what "the context demands", he reiterated that the three Infrastructure proposals that the PSC has put on the table – the expansion of El Prat airport and the construction of the Hard Rock in Camp de Tarragona and the B-40 in El Vallès – have “a social democratic orientation” and are “sensible ”.