Don't let music festivals break the bank

Summer is five months away, but it's never too early to start planning for it.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
02 February 2023 Thursday 23:47
20 Reads
Don't let music festivals break the bank

Summer is five months away, but it's never too early to start planning for it. The financial experts at believe that the sooner a budget is set up, the better. "If you want to get through the summer without falling into debt, it's time to do the numbers," say the specialists.

MadCool, Primavera Sound (one in Barcelona and one in Madrid), FIB, BBK, Low Festival, Sònar... At the moment of truth they are a significant expense and, why not say it, a blow to the pocket of the most lovers of the music.

Festival prices, like food or light, have also risen. To mention a few, the Primavera Sound subscription costs 325 euros, the MadCool 189 euros, the FIB 130 euros, the BBK 175 euros or the Low Festival 62 euros. “If we assume that someone wants to go to two, they will have to pay at least 192 euros. And this does not include lodging, food and drinks. If you do not have an established budget, it will be very easy to fall into unnecessary debt ”, they indicate from the comparator.

The answer is obvious, although many find it difficult, "the only way is by saving", they emphasize from and add.

The most useful strategy to be able to enjoy a musical summer is simple, but it requires discipline. “First review your finances, pay attention to your bank accounts and do numbers. This will help you: know how much money you have, plan how much you need and start choosing the savings method that best suits you to be able to face the expense, ”they indicate.

Having a clear financial picture allows people to make smart decisions regarding their finances and gives them the opportunity to prepare to meet their goals without falling into debt.

“Credit cards are a double-edged sword. They can be very useful to finance large purchases of things we need, but they can ruin our economy if we misuse them. Before going into debt to buy something, you have to ask yourself if it is really worth paying so much interest ”, they advise from the comparator.

Once the budget is finalized, then it is time to get down to work. “The action plan has to be easy to follow and to comply with. The simpler the better. One solution may be to transfer the money that is going to be saved month by month to another bank account, so you separate it from the one you use on a daily basis”, they suggest.

In this sense, specialists highlight some of the best free accounts on the market:

This account is not only free of maintenance fees but also remunerates savings at 2% APR the first year. "It is ideal because in addition to being free, it pays you interest on your savings," the experts point out.

It also does not have maintenance commissions and you do not have to direct payroll or receipts to contract it. It is free even if the income is not domiciled. It includes a debit card without issuance or maintenance fees and allows you to make transfers in euros for free. In addition, with the card you can withdraw money at all Santander ATMs in the world.

In addition to being free, it allows you to open it with two holders and each one will receive a free Aqua debit card. This card is one of the safest in Spain, since it does not have its number or expiration date printed and its CVV is dynamic, so it will be more protected against theft and cloning.

According to the experts, there are different methods to promote savings. One may be to divide the amount of money that is going to be needed by the number of months remaining until the festival. In other words, if in the calculations an expense of 210 euros is budgeted in June, then per month and assuming that you start saving in February, you would have to set aside about 42 euros. Another may be to do it weekly instead of monthly.