* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

For yet another year, Guissona has celebrated the Lesso Roman Market, which recreates the way of doing and living of the ancient Romans, always presided over by the figure of Bacchus, the god of wine and festivals.

In addition to the artisan market, the Capvespres a la Romana program has been developed, a compilation of cultural events with the inaugural parade with giants, big heads and historical figures, as well as concerts, dance, theater, dramatized readings and other shows.

During the celebration of the event, the shops of Guissona also join the party with a Window Contest to give the town even more of a Roman atmosphere.

The ancient city of Iesso underlies the archaeological site of the town of Guissona and the surrounding cultivated fields.

The foundation of the Roman city occurred at the beginning of the 1st century BC. C., taking advantage of the natural resources of the current Guissona plain: the abundant presence of water and the ease for agricultural exploitation of nearby lands.

Since 1997, on the third Saturday of July, Guissona has been transformed into a market from the end of the 1st century BC. C. to remember his Roman past.