The husband of the 41-year-old woman, whose body was found last Thursday afternoon after a possible accident on the TO-1232 between Val de Santo Domingo and Alcabón, has been arrested for a possible crime of reckless homicide and another of road safety.

Shortly before the fatal accident, residents of the Toledo district saw the couple arguing in a bar.

In statements to EFE, the mayor of the municipality of Santo Domingo Caudilla, Silvia del Olmo, has indicated that, apparently, at the end of the discussion, the woman tried to walk home to the town of Alcabón, where the couple lived.

Later, she was found dead at 9:59 p.m. this Thursday at kilometer 1 of the TO-1231 highway, in the municipality of Santo Domingo Caudilla.

The health services that went to the scene warned of the possibility that the woman, of Bolivian nationality, had been run over intentionally, so they are investigating whether it is a new case of sexist violence.

For the moment, the Civil Guard has arrested the deceased woman’s husband, a 46-year-old man, who tested positive for alcohol and who also had a history of sexist violence, for alleged reckless homicide and a crime against road safety.

If this is confirmed as a new case of gender violence, the mayor wants to organize a joint event in condemnation of the murder with the mayor of Alcabón, José Agustín Congosto del Cerro.

It was the Urgent and Emergency Care Service 112 of Castilla-La Mancha that reported that a call around 10:00 p.m. this Thursday alerted of the discovery of the lifeless body of a woman on said road.

Members of the Civil Guard and an ICU went to the scene of the incident, which could only certify the death.