Twenty ground crews of Generalitat Firefighters and four aerial vehicles are working on a vegetation fire in Batea (Tarragona) that started early this afternoon and to which firefighting equipment from Aragon are also being deployed.

According to the Generalitat Bombers, in addition to the twelve ground crews, four MAER, aerial means, have been sent to the area: specifically, a bomber helicopter, two AVAs – surveillance and attack aircraft – and a command plane.

The 112 emergency telephone number received notification of this vegetation fire at 3:19 p.m., which originated near the T-723 road, near the municipality of Batea, in Terra Alta.

The fire has been declared near Aragón and the flames are currently heading north towards this autonomous community, so they are also moving to the place, in collaboration with Firefighters of the Generalitat, Aragonese extinction and emergency teams. .