Politicians from different parties break blocks and promote a green transition

Political mainstreaming in Catalonia is gradually making its way after almost a decade of division into blocks built around the procés and has been reflected this week with the presentation of Oikia, an association promoted, among others, by politicians linked to different formations .

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
14 February 2023 Tuesday 03:51
9 Reads
Politicians from different parties break blocks and promote a green transition

Political mainstreaming in Catalonia is gradually making its way after almost a decade of division into blocks built around the procés and has been reflected this week with the presentation of Oikia, an association promoted, among others, by politicians linked to different formations . A platform that is constituted to propose a green transformation of the country fleeing from both developmentalism and the culture of "no". Joan Herrera (ICV), the former ministers Josep Rull (Junts), Pere Macias (CDC), Raül Romeva (Junts pel Sí), Xavier Sabaté (PSC), and Lluís Juncà (ERC), general director of the Government) or Leire Pajín (former minister of the PSOE) are some of the promoters of the association.

The platform has also been constituted with professional profiles and different sensitivities (field of health, mobility, energy, biodiversity...) and wants to become a generator of ideas, understanding that only from the public sector or only from the market it will not be possible to push the green transition. A transition that moves away from apriorities -neither developmentalism nor Nimby - Not in my back yard-, and where it is emphasized that the country's main problem is the lack of "yes" when proposals for the future are made to change the model productive. A commitment to open the in-depth debate on renewable energies in Catalonia by creating a country agenda, understanding that energy independence is needed.

The first steps of this initiative arise from a reflection between Herrera, Macias and Sabaté, with the aim of overcoming the debates that are reiterated -airport, Hard Rock...- and building a new agenda that also has the capacity to influence policies of the Government. The transversality of the professionals of the platform was expressly included this political transversality. The association's presentation this month coincided with the budget pact between the ERC and the PSC, the first major political agreement that breaks the bloc policy.

"You have to reach out to the Catalan government and also to the companies," explains Herrera. An example that is given to explain this narrative that flees from both the old developmentalism and the culture of no is the installation in Valencia of the Volskwagen electric battery factory.

Also in the driving group are Francesc Mauri, meteorologist; Carme Borrell, manager of the Barcelona Public Health Agency; Bet Font, biologist and former deputy (ICV) or Manel Ferri, head of mobility (Barcelona Provincial Council). A team that has worked on the project for a year and a half, which calls on the public to join in and is already working on a first mobility proposal.

In the presentation made on Thursday, this political transversality was maintained among the attendees, with representation also from Pimec, UGT and CC.OO.